This file transfer service (“Service”) is provided by API Software Ltd (“AutoRek”, “we”) free of charge for authorised use in compliance with these terms. Data/Files will be treated per the privacy policy at www. You will ensure compliance with Data Protection laws, including the EU GDPR. We are not a Processor of data sent via the Service and advise that only test data is used. You agree to use the Service as intended and not to: access areas not meant for your use; probe, scan, or test vulnerability; damage the Service, including, sending a virus or overloading; use the Service for any illegal purpose; or impersonate another or misrepresent your identity. You will receive a user id and password to access the Service, have sole responsibility for them, are responsible for activities using them, and will inform us of unauthorized use. If we detect unauthorized access to Files we shall notify you as soon as possible.
The Service is provided ‘as is’, without warranty, either express or implied. API Software explicitly disclaims any warranties on fitness for purpose or non-infringement, availability, security, performance or accuracy. Your use of the Service is at your own risk. API Software is not responsible for data loss or damage to your computer system or that of any 3rd party resulting from use of the Service. In no event will AutoRek’s aggregate liability to you or any 3rd party for any and all claims arising out of or in connection with the use of the Service, exceed the amounts you have paid to AutoRek for the use of the Service.
All right, title, and interest in and to the Service are and will remain the exclusive property of AutoRek and its licensors. The Service is protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws of both the UK. You may not reproduce, modify or prepare derivative works based upon the Service.
You agree to fully indemnify AutoRek from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses arising out of or connected with your use of the Service, or your violation of these Terms of Service.

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